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Sun May 19, 2024
Photoshop this outdoor BBQ station
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(NBC News)
The "lunch rush" hasn't recovered from the pandemic as more Americans are opting instead to splurge on weekend restaurants. In other news: They are Americans that have longer than a 30min lunch
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Zombie second mortgages are cracking open your homes and feasting on the warm goo inside, kicking longtime homeowners to the curb with little to no warning
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(The Root)
Yes, even "celebrities" need to pay their rent
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(Fox News)
Who knew a foreign country didn't allow bullets in their luggage?
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(USA Today)
Once again, police bodycams are worthless if the cops can turn them off (or not even wear them) whenever they feel like it. Followup tag just beats out Asinine, Dumbass tags
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Here's a nice little fixer-upper, especially if you really like steel and concrete and have $2.9 million just sitting around
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With the next high tide, the Dali will be just water under the bridge
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(Al Jazeera)
Iran's President's helicopter suffers a "hard landing" in Azerbaijan. Details are limited, including where the hell Azerbaijan is, and, in a theocratic dictatorship run by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, what exactly is the job of Iran's President
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(The Doors)
Photoshop this knocker
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CSB Sunday Morning: That one time at graduation
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(WOKV Jacksonville)
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Sometime later an alligator, feeling peckish, picked Peter Piper for a picnic
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(Kyiv Post)
Day 816 of WW3: Zelensky expects Russia offensive in Northeast Ukraine to intensify, warns it may only be the "first wave". This is your Sunday Ukraine thread
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It ain't just right-wing nutters who are attacking electrical infrastructure
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
What you need to know about tick season. Yup, it's that Lyme of year
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(WFAA Fort Worth)
Apparently reporters have no clue about what a case of beer actually is. Also, what kind of idiots steal Bud Light at gunpoint?
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(Seattle Times)
Residents of Seattle low-income high-rise go a week without elevator. Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, and Penelope "Penny" Teller unavailable for comment
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Cuba laments the collapse of its centuries old sugar industry. With helpful image of Robert De Niro cosplaying as a sugar cane harvester
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(NBC News)
Sex offender faked his death to avoid registering for the sex offenders list. Sheriff: "Now, a lot of resources were wasted looking for his body, which was clearly not found, because he wasn't dead,"
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(WSAW Wausau)
Fisherman lands a big one, lets it get away. Subby probably would too if the "big fish" turned out to be a 12 foot long tiger shark
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Old and busted: It's raining men. New hotness: It's raining cans
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New video shows Kentucky bridge gives truck driver an unscheduled break... literally
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How about Fark you? The noise is a feature not a bug etc
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(WOODTV Grand Rapids)
Carnival unable to operate rides due to; a) not enough operators b) State inspector shut them down c) someone stole the control boxes to the rides overnight
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Sat May 18, 2024
(Some Guy)
Kentucky gives up on children, focuses educational efforts on feral hogs
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EIGHT charged with kidnapping and holding neighbor captive for almost 30 YEARS. That means seven people knew about it and said nothing all this time
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(CTV News)
$500K of elvers seized at airport. Unfortunately, they did not have cookies
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"Boil water notice" due to parasite outbreak in Devon mostly lifted. If you're living in Devon and have no idea what this is about you might want to go see a doctor
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(Big E Radio)
Noise Factor comes at you Saturday at 10:30PM ET and hits you with Cybernetic Witch Cult right out of the gate. A couple of stories from a recent live show and also Mastodon, Stone Nomads, Lord Velvet, Pissed Jeans, and a bonus ending
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(Al Jazeera)
Remember: flickering lights or doing business with kleptocrats can induce seizures
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(The Daily Beast)
Map lead three surfers to their doom in Mexico, continuing Dora's reign of terror
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Sing us a song, you're the Plano Man, sing us a song tonight. Well, we've got your car on a trailer hook, and we're in the mood for a fight
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A helpful guide to help us old folks figure out what the young whippersnappers invading our lawns are saying
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Photoshop these train tracks
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(WJAC TV Johnstown)
Fisherman reels in human skull. Does not disclose the lure he used, which is to be expected
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"The Brooklyn Devil" is New York's last vigilante. The Comedian unavailable for comment
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(Some Guy)
Two hours of music from past Mays on Paul's Memory Bank (8PM EDT). Will the ex-con who stole Superman's costume from Clark's apartment be able to tell anyone about Clark's secret identity before he dies after being shot by a cop?
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(Oregon Live)
Can't jog. Can't BBQ. Can't watch birds. Now black people aren't even allowed to buy vacuum cleaners
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Comes with pool
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(Daily Mail)
A dying woman has been denied a partial liver transplant for drinking while she was on the waiting list now only has a few weeks left to live. Liver let die
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Florida's answer to the 10' 8" bridge - the Haulover Inlet. Warning: Australian-level NSFW language
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(Johanna Turner)
Photoshop this happy hiker
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(WJCL Savannah)
89-year-old woman awoken by men telling her she needed to be saved or she'll burn
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Commencement speaker goes all Oprah on graduates: you get a thousand, and you get a thousand
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(Some rich Guy)
The rich and powerful don't want you to know where they are flying to
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(Mental Floss)
Remember when the U.S. tried to win World War II with the help of radioactive foxes?
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"I have a great idea for a vacation destination: let's all go to Afghanistan. What could possibly go wrong?"
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(Ars Technica)
"Outrageously" priced weight-loss drugs could bankrupt US health care. "Eating less" still free
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Um, real friends would not care how much money you're spending to be with them
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Photoshop this Canadian picnic
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