Szoftver adatai:
Változat: 1.5.6 Frissítve
Feltöltés dátuma: 10 Dec 15
Engedély: Ingyenes
Népszerűség: 84
Méret: 140 Kb
The plugin takes over the native browser behavior, for all links on the same page (anchors).
Instead of just rapidly jumping to the desired section, it smoothly animates the user's view to that section.
This way the animation is easier to notice and gives the user's an idea of where on the page he's jumping too.
The Smooth Scroll Plugin works with the page and scrollable sections.
A working demo is included with the download package.
What is new in this release:
- Fixed jQuery repo JSON file.
What is new in version 1.5.5:
- Fixed jQuery repo JSON file.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- jQuery 1.3 or higher
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