Szoftver adatai:
Változat: 3.0 Frissítve
Feltöltés dátuma: 4 Dec 15
Engedély: Shareware
Ár: 9.99 $
Népszerűség: 68
Méret: 8100 Kb
Xvirus System Cleaner is a capable application designed to help you keep your computer clean and optimize its performance. Moreover, you can fix registry entries, defragment disks and remove unnecessary, junk files. You can clear cookies, cache, history and temporary Internet files, in order to protect your online privacy.
What is new in this release:
- New improved UI
- Improved scan engine
- Improved autoscan
- Added a new tool (services manager)
- Improved tools: uninstaller and shortcut clean
- Added new settings
- Bugs fixed
.NET framework 4
Automatic scan and privacy shield disabled
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