
Szoftver screenshot:
Szoftver adatai:
Változat: 1.10.10
Feltöltés dátuma: 6 Dec 15
Fejlesztő: Menasoft
Engedély: Ingyenes
Népszerűség: 49951
Méret: 125 Kb

Rating: 3.1/5 (Total Votes: 40)

Sound Pad is a full-featured sound wave editor for Windows 95. It features full undo and redo of changes to the sound; import of AIFF, VOC, AU, RAW, and other formats; and live display of a recording wave image. It is compatible with Windows 95 Audio Compression Manager (ACM). Paste and mix effects automatically, and take advantage of ACM and format conversion. Sound Pad also allows full editing of compressed sound formats, separate editing of stereo channels, and more.


Windows 95

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