It is very flexible through its module system and is suitable for both small personal website, as well as large enterprise portals.
Copy the content of the htdocs/ folder where it can be accessed by your server
Ensure mainfile.php, cache, templates_c and uploads are writable by the webserver
Using your web browser, access /folder, "folder" being where you uploaded the htdocs/ files to launch the installation wizard
What is new in this release:
- Security Improvements:
- Potential Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in image editor with lenient permissions.
- General Improvements:
- Replaced undefined language constant with a defined constant.
- Added style class for system preferences.
- Form validation for image category creation works once again.
- Bug fixes:
- PDO method definition had a misspelled argument.
What is new in version 1.3.7 / 2.0.0 Alpha 5:
- Security Improvements:
- Potential Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in image editor with lenient permissions.
- General Improvements:
- Replaced undefined language constant with a defined constant.
- Added style class for system preferences.
- Form validation for image category creation works once again.
- Bug fixes:
- PDO method definition had a misspelled argument.
What is new in version 1.3.6:
- 3 vulnerabilities exist in ImpressCMS 1.3.5:
- Deletion of arbitrary files in the system
- Cross site scripting (XSS) in 2 files
What is new in version 1.3.4:
- Multiple updates to external libraries.
What is new in version 1.3.3 Beta 2:
- This second beta release fixes many bugs.
What is new in version 1.3.2:
- A bugfix release, to be maintained in parallel with the development of 2.0.
What is new in version 1.3:
- The newest version of the community-oriented web platform improves speed, memory use and efficiency, while laying the groundwork for the future.
What is new in version 1.3 Alpha:
- The system dropdown menu is being categorized, instead of being a single long list.
- A new block for the CPanel has been created, based on the new categories.
- A new admin theme is included (reflex) that has a quick search feature.
What is new in version 1.2.3:
- The most important change is official PHP5.3 compliance for the core modules and libraries. Note that modules might need adaptations to work in PHP 5.3. That is beyond the control of the core team.
- Fixed: search pagination and page title
- Improved: session security for the installation proces
- Improved: migration of images in the imagemanager during an upgrade from ImpressCMS 1.1
- Improved: use of smarty variables
- Fixed : search functionality issues
- Security : possible SQL injection vulnerability
- Fixed regression in the icmsForm class
- Fixed : XoopsThemeForm undefined
What is new in version 1.2.3 RC2:
- is now powered by impresscms 1.2.3
- New theme
- Changed news templates
- New forum module -> iforum
- New forum templates
- New "theme FAQ" section -> more content soon
- More coming soon
What is new in version 1.2.3:
- Core: search - duplicated modules listed.
- The most important change is official PHP5.3 compliance for the core modules and libraries. Note that modules might need adaptations to work in PHP 5.3. That is beyond the control of the core team.
- Fixed: search pagination and page title.
- Improved: session security for the installation process.
- Improved: migration of images in the imagemanager during an upgrade from ImpressCMS 1.1.
- Improved: use of smarty variables.
- Fixed : search functionality issues.
- Security : possible SQL injection vulnerability.
- Fixed regression in the icmsForm class.
What is new in version 1.2.2:
- This version patches a recently discovered vulnerability in an external library, TidyCSS. The file containing the vulnerability is not used by ImpressCMS, and can be safely removed.
What is new in version 1.2.1:
- Removing inclusion to deprecated sqlutility classes.
What is new in version 1.1.3 Final:
- Security update, addressing issues in PHPOpenID and Smarty.
What is new in version 1.1.2 Final:
- Added plugins/autotasks folder for storring autotasks systems (currently there is at.php, cron.php and internal.php handlers)
- Added plugins/sourceeditors folder for Code Sources Editors
- Added editarea source editor
- Added autotasks preload
- Added class/autotasks folder with base classes and interfaces for autotasks (iautotasksystem.php and icmsautotaskssystem.php)
- Edited and xoopseditor.php files in class folder. Added editor type support. For Example: if you specify source editor type, then source editor will be used.
- Added modules/system/admin/autotasks - autotasks items administration
- Added to modules/system/admin/preferences/main.php support for autotasksystem config field type (this form field show supported autotasks and installed system on current server)
- Added savingSystemAdminPreferencesItem preload event when saving system preferences items (params: array(conf_catid, conf_name, conf_value)
- Added afterSaveSystemAdminPreferencesItems preload event after saving config (param - array of old and new values)
- Added define('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS', 'Auto Tasks'); to modules/system/language/english/admin.php
- Added define('XOOPS_SYSTEM_AUTOTASKS', 24); to modules/system/constants.php
- Update protector to version 3.36a beta
- Update phpopenid library to 2.1.3
- Update TinyMCE to version 3.2.6
- Update simplepie to version 1.2
- Update PHPMailer to version 5.0.2
- Update tcpdf to version 4.7.003
What is new in version 1.1.1 Final:
- Notice: Undefined index: reg_i in file /admin.php line 41
- Issue with icmscontent table always being updated when viewing content.php should only be the 'read x times' that is updated.
- PHP 5.1 or higher
- MySQL 4.1.0 or higher
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