
Szoftver screenshot:
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Változat: 2.0.0 Frissítve
Feltöltés dátuma: 10 Dec 15
Fejlesztő: Aral Balkan
Engedély: Ingyenes
Népszerűség: 305

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 2)

Set is a templating system developed to help JavaScript programmers control the layout and the content of their Web pages and application views.

The template engine was written following simple DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles, keeping its codebase small and opened for easy customizations.

All the code generated via Set validates against the HTML 5 standard, so you can rest assured you won't have to tweak the core code via plugins to make sure all of Set's output remains semantic till the end.

The template system also employs a human-readable syntax, allowing newcomers to easily get acquainted to the syntax and add their own code without wasting too much time in the documentation.

All templates are rendered pretty fast, the Set codebase is well tested, and the default package also comes with some basic examples.


  • JavaScript enabled on client side
  • Node.js 0.11 or higher for server-side environments


  • Still in its early stages of development.

Hasonló program


21 Jul 15


14 Apr 15


12 May 15

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