Field Tools

Field Tools 1.9.9 Frissítve

The Field Tools Package contains our best dot net geology field tools for Windows. Three tools have been combined into one application: 1. Contour3DMS, Contouring and Mapping in 2D and 3D. 2. CrossSectionMS, Cross Section plotting application. 3....

Tamil Bible

Tamil Bible 3.1 Frissítve

Tamil Bible software helps to read the Bible in Tamil. Read and have a blessed time. If you can't view in tamil fonts (typically in windows XP) you have to make sure that you go to control panel and click on the "Regional language Options". Go to...


IconKana 151129 Frissítve

Would you like to learn Japanese? Here's a nice opportunity.For quite some time, we have been building a computer program series that teaches Japanese and English. The object of the series is to help people to learn at their own pace. The program series,...