Új Wordpress plugin Mert Web
Can be used to track visitors in real-time or to review stored traffic stats.
The plugin can show:
User Online
Today Visit
Yesterday visit
Week Visit
Month Visit
Years Visit
Total Visit
Search Engine reffered (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
User Online Live Premium...
Custom Post Type UI provides a graphical user interface for adding custom taxonomies and custom post types.
Unlimited taxonomy items and custom post types can be created, edited and deleted with ease.
Everything from label names to menu position and to...
UpiCRM is a WordPress plugin designed to work with other WP plugins, specifically contact forms.
It works by recording details submitted via these forms, and then presenting them using a special backend in the WordPress admin panel.
Here, the site...
To work, the plugin needs an archive file generated by the WOW Slider desktop app.
To embed the uploaded gallery, the plugin will provide an automatically-generated shortcode to use.
Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/...
Sarok Ad végrehajtja a híres "héja megtekintéséhez" hirdetési rendszerét. Ez a rendszer egy kis kép, hogy kiderült a sarokban egy oldal, amely kitágítja, ha az egeret lebegett felette. Telepítés: kicsomagolása és töltsd fel a / wp-content / plugins...
WP-UserOnline is made up of two widgets. One for the site's active sidebars, and a second for the WordPress admin panel dashboard.
The frontend widget will display the total amount of people currently on the site, while the dashboard widget is a...
TinyMCE Templates is useful in cases where the text of a page or post needs to be repeated over and over again.
It allows editors to put that text into separate templates which can be called upon at any time and inserted into any post or...
By default, every time a user accesses the site, a modal window displays a warning message about the type of content he will be viewing inside.
Can be used to present any kind of warning, or any kind of message.
Pressing "Agree" will allow him accoss to...
FeedBurner is a Web service for managing and tracking syndication feeds.
Since the built-in WordPress RSS feeds don't provide any exhaustive statistics about their usage, a service like FeedBurner can come really in hand.
RS FeedBurner allows a...
ScrapeBreaker is a reliable copyright protection system that makes sure your content can't be easily scrapped off your site by various bots and scripts.
This and its frame breaking system also prevent the pages from being loaded off-site, keeping...
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