WP Migrate DB

Szoftver screenshot:
WP Migrate DB
Szoftver adatai:
Változat: 0.7.1 Frissítve
Feltöltés dátuma: 10 Dec 15
Fejlesztő: Brad Touesnard
Engedély: Ingyenes
Népszerűség: 37

Rating: 4.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

Besides just producing a database dump file, it will also allow the user to replace URL and paths, corresponding to the new location the DB is installed to.

It even takes into account serialized data and updates the string length values.


Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

What is new in this release:

  • New:
  • Updated the migration UI to include a detailed progress bar, time elapsed, pause and cancel buttons and more!
  • Option to exclude transients (temporary cached data)
  • Migration profiles
  • Setting to configure the maximum request size (how much data is exported in a given HTTP request)
  • Improvement:
  • Unlimited find & replace fields with drag & drop reordering

What is new in version 0.7:

  • New:
  • Updated the migration UI to include a detailed progress bar, time elapsed, pause and cancel buttons and more!
  • Option to exclude transients (temporary cached data)
  • Migration profiles
  • Setting to configure the maximum request size (how much data is exported in a given HTTP request)
  • Improvement:
  • Unlimited find & replace fields with drag & drop reordering

What is new in version 0.6.1:

  • New:
  • Updated the migration UI to include a detailed progress bar, time elapsed, pause and cancel buttons and more!
  • Option to exclude transients (temporary cached data)
  • Migration profiles
  • Setting to configure the maximum request size (how much data is exported in a given HTTP request)
  • Improvement:
  • Unlimited find & replace fields with drag & drop reordering

What is new in version 0.5:

  • Added filter for the filename of the exported file.

What is new in version 0.4.4:

  • Bug fix:
  • Admin menu disappears when DISALLOW_FILE_MODS is true
  • Duplicate records on export
  • Updated spinner image for HiDPI displays

What is new in version 0.4.1:

  • Removed WP App Store installer - not allowed in WP.org repo.

What is new in version 0.4:

  • New:
  • More than 4x faster than version 0.3 due to find & replace improvements
  • Option to turn off replacing GUIDs
  • Option to exclude spam comments and post revisions from the export
  • Option to save file with gzip compression
  • Added date and time to file names
  • Display path to SQL file on the server
  • WP App Store installer integration
  • Bug fix:
  • Notices and warnings displayed when WP_DEBUG is on

What is new in version 0.2.2:

  • Bug fix: Breaks Export.


  • WordPress 2.0.3 or higher

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